Friday, August 12, 2011


Every day I am overwhelmed by the vastness, complexity and wonder of the world around me. It is surprising that a man’s brain holds such immense power. To change, to create and to destroy, is a great gift that is bestowed only to man. The world has been designed by numerous such men, all of them great visionaries, leaders and philosophers. When I was young, my aim was to be such a Man of Power, a Man of Strength. A man like Alexander the Great, like Leornado Da Vinci, like Issac Newton and like Martin Luther King. These were men who created a dynasty, a change so strong that they had to be remembered and revered. Their legacy lives on in the heart and minds of people to this day. In the same vein, my biggest dream was to be remembered for something special, something so eternal that my name would be cherished for years after I died.

Now, these were just childhood dreams. Dreams that a lot of little boys and girls have. As I grew older, I looked deeper and thought much more about these ambitions. The caliber of the men that I aspired to be was definitely of the highest order. But I had made a mistake in what they contributed to the world in an overall sense. I realized that no man is bigger than the human race, and that no single man can define generations forever. It is all about progress. Each man builds on another man’s work, on his art and on his desire. If it was not for men like Galileo and Nicolas Copernicus, Newton would have never formulated his three laws. If it was not for the audacious moves of Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King would have never fought racism so successfully. I realized that the people I aspired to be like had just done their small bit in the constant process of improving human life. They had brought the end result, but the process had been going on for centuries. They just did their small parts in a big big way. Thus, I try to think of myself as a man who will do small things in a big way, I can just do my part and not worry about the rest. Cause the rest will take care of itself.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


I’m living two lives, on the inside and the outside
Above me, I can see the pathway to golden pride
But beneath me, lies a consuming incessant restlessness
The desire to know my desires is too hard to suppress

I question myself everyday, what I’m doing and why
Frustration and angst fill me, but somehow I gotta try
To curb this revolution, to stop the introspect
Cause I know what I have, could be the only chance I’ll get

The pursuit of satisfaction
Or the life I’ve made
Disturbing distressing emotion
Or a life in the shade
The need to be my own person
Or what people need me to be
Whatever the answer, when I’m done
I know that it’ll set me free

The journey of exploration, a perturbing desire to change
If I try harder, the dream can be my life so strange
This dilemma consumes me completely, need to break out
The more and more I think, more I’m shrouded in self-doubt

I’m analyzing and introspecting, a bolt hits me out of the blue
What if I could decide my future, would be too surreal to be true
We all crave that power, but who wields it we’ll never know
Finally I realize, what I wanna reap I need to sow

The pursuit of satisfaction
Or the life I’ve made
Disturbing distressing emotion
Or a life in the shade
The need to be my own person
Or what people need me to be
Whatever the answer, when I’m done
I know that it’ll set me free

I need to put insecurity, anguish, despair and fear to one side
Forget what I need to be, forget my insides as if they’ve died
I’ll just explore and be patient till I become what I be
But I’m sure of this, the answer is lurking somewhere within me