They say that a lot of things are better in your head, not in front of you. Cause if they're right there, you wont notice their novelty, you'll notice what they don't have, you'll notice their flaws. Cause you're built that way. You have absolutely no appreciation for their value, you will want and dream to want better than them. Sigh, human nature. Purposefully, LIFE devised a way for humans to vent and remove all the frustration - Relationships. Very little about the people you have around you talks about competition, arrogance, killer instinct and the predator instinct. Cause its not the base or foundation of your relationship, unlike work. A boss only talks to his employee because he can do a certain job with proficiency. He talks only because his employee is useful to him. Cause he can make money from his work. While a friend, relative or a loved one will generally talk cause he wants to talk to the person in question. Its simple science. The pack hangs together and looks out for each other. Of course one pack will rarely compromise with the other. And thus the resulting "Gang Wars". The wars constitute every little action which we do in the modern society.
When we go to work, we give in to the monetary desires of the autowallahs and taxiwallahs.
When we decide to have a party, we have to take into account how it affects other people in terms of noise and frustration.
When we buy food, we argue with vendor about the edibility of the vegetable.
When we fight and beat up someone, we accept punishment for it. We give in to the LAW.
When we lose someone, we fight with God.
When we get rejected or turned down, we argue with our emotions.
When we have kids, we limit certain parts of ourselves to do only certain kind of things. Its a war.
When we become politicians, we fight the public. They just dont realize it that often.
When we become rich, we fight with the egos of others.
When we give up, we fight with our conscience.
When we die, we fight to go to heaven or hell.
When others die, we fight over their property, money and heritage.
When we decide to be cheerful and enthusiastic all day, we fight against a million pessimists.
When we make a decision, we fight against lots of people that we aspire to be.
When we kiss someone, we fight to make time stop.
When we go by instinct, we fight against the practicality which are expected to obey.
When we sleep, we wrestle with our dreams. We try to make the unreal real.
This brings me to an important point. That at any given moment of our lives, we are in conflict with the UNIVERSE. We fight to earn the right to fight even more. We persevere to persevere some more. When is it said that a person is defeated?? When he/she has nothing left to fight for, or to fight against.
Recently, even I have been drawn into a fight, its more of a rat-race. Percentiles, acads, resumes and job profiles are the order of the day. Survival of the fittest. Atleast on paper. Its just a sophisticated form of brawling like prehistoric cavemen. This rat-race is a highly interesting one cause you never know who wins :) :) All you know is NEXT, MOVE ON , WIN THE NEXT ONE. Right till we die, this is the philosophy. We desire to rise to that pinnacle which does not exist.
I had this kiddish dream of being the "Best Person in the World". Then one day, a very wise person asked me, "the best of what?" I just replied "The best of everything". He replied "Huh. Be practical." I thought at that point that how does one become the "Best Person in the World"? Is it an honour, a prize bestowed for some achievement? Is it being very rich? Is it being highly famous? Is it being the best looking???? What is it? I tried to find the best person in the world, I never found one.
You just can't have tags as these. Cause there are too many underlying and fascinating variables that affect this. People call it destiny. I call it the unpredictability of the EARTH. Im a maths prof. I believe that finding the permutations and combinations of LIFE is the only question which has infinite answers. And one thing is essential, if you wanna ride this fascinating rollercoaster you gotta be tough, cause a hard brake'll throw you off just LIKE THAT. But, but, but. Make sure you try to enjoy the journey :)
wow i loved this post ....Its so true.... we keep fighting always...
ReplyDeletewhen we want something..we fight to get it..when we get it..another want arises, like they say "Resources are Limited wants are unlimited" :P ...human nature.. economics..hehe... human nature is so greedy we're never totally satisfied.. :) ..
At 21 today, i've no clue where im heading, what exactly do i want...im so clueless...your statement on p & c reminds me :p this year there was just 1 question on permutation in CET :p lol...... hehe.. nyways tc :)
P.S. You are a great writer if you've written all this, hats off to the way you've jotted down your imagination :)
ReplyDeleteI wish i could do the same :)
thanks cutie pie....i appreciate all the good stuff u've said about my writings :)
ReplyDeleteand everyone can imagine such stuff yaar....its just matter of looking at things from a diff perspective, having a curious and agile mind, comes with writing more....im sure u can do it :) :)
hmmmmmmm... true.. just that maybe it will take time ...:P ... but it takes alot to write down everything you imagine....
ReplyDelete:)... will wait for more posts from your side :)