These life-defining moments are way too hard to recognize when u experience them. I mean, Joe Satriani decided to become a guitarist once he heard that Jimi Hendrix had died. Satriani was only 13 years old then. If someone would have told him back then that he would be one of the most famous and critically-acclaimed guitarists today, he would've laughed and scoffed. But its funny how things turned out exactly like that. Cause Satriani's mental inertia made him reach where he is today. That innate desire, nay, need to be a reknowned guitarist propelled him forwards. And thats exactly how it works in most of us. Except that most of us have a need for doing the oddest possible things.
Some of us, no matter how much we want it, can never settle to anything. We're what they call the wanderers or "responsibility-shirkers". We'll try one career after another, and just live in that infinite loop all our lives.
Some of us, just have that desire to be rich. To have so much money, and to be so busy making it, that we got no time to utilize it. That's what gives us a high. Cause we know we've XYZ lakh in the bank. And we dont wanna spend it, cause just like Gollum in the movie, "It's our precious".
Some of us, just want to be creators. We want to make something worthwhile. It might be a book, a movie, a painting or a song. It just has to be fully ours. We spend our days and nights doing this to make a mark.
Some of us, just desire to find our soul mate. We desire to find that perfect individual who acts as a counterpoint all our properties and makes us feel like "The One". We go through life, moving from one relationship to the other, to find that one person.
Some of us live on faith. We believe that we'll ride the wave of life and manage things cause we know the creator up there is watching and He's gonna make things ok, no matter what. We can survive the deadliest conditions and worst situations via this faith.
Some of us are so lacking in self-belief that even in the happiest situations, we'll look for negativity. Cause that's what's been embedded into our minds since an early age, we are people who self-destruct.
Its mental inertia which causes such things. We are so used to things happening in a certain manner, that even if they happen in some other ways, its too hard for us to deal with them. That is why there are short-lived successes and one-hit wonders. Cause the people cant really deal with such drastic changes in their life, even if the changes are for the better. I guess a lotta people dont live out their fantasies. Cause most of them want them so much, that they think about them too much. They just live them out vicariously or in their heads. That is the truth. Cause the mind can only be diverted after a certain point. It cannot be forced to return on the path it has just traversed. Thus the concept of regret and thus the concept of getting over it being highly, highly important.
Perfect !!
ReplyDeletehahaa....thanks shantanu :)
ReplyDeleteAwesome!!...i love this post...tell me d inspiration nd motivation behind all dis...m sure u've been observing quite a lot of ppl bfore u penned dis!?
ReplyDeletegreat classification of people..i'm sure u came up with more :)